Ektron CMS400.Net Reference

>>Managing Content > Web Calendars > Using Taxonomy with Web Calendars

Using Taxonomy with Web Calendars

You can use taxonomy categories to filter calendar events. Calendar categories could include meeting rooms, audience, or whether the event should appear on a special public calendar.

See Also: Introduction to Creating a Taxonomy.

This section also contains the following topics.

An Example of a Calendar Taxonomy

Using a Taxonomy Filter for Calendar Events

An Example of a Calendar Taxonomy

The following example shows how to organize events based on locations and audience.

After you create a taxonomy, you can assign its categories to events. See Also: Step 5 - Select a Taxonomy Category

Using a Taxonomy Filter for Calendar Events

Use a CategoryID value in the CalendarDataSource to filter events according to taxonomy categories.

In the example below, the calendar shows events for the Training Center (category 123) or Administrators (category 124).

<cms:WebCalendar ID="webcalendar" runat="server">


<cms:CalendarDataSource defaultId="726" sourceType="SystemCalendar">

<CMS:CategoryID categoryId="123" />

<CMS:CategoryID categoryId="124" />




By using an id of a higher category in the taxonomy tree, you can show all events under it.

For example, this taxonomy has two higher level branches with id 100 and 200.

If you set the category id to 100, you see any events associated with categories 100, 111 or 112.

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Ektron CMS400.NET Reference Version 8.02 SP1 Rev 1

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